09 Feb, 2025

Share amusing anecdotes from players who’ve had unique togel experiences.

The world of Bandar Togel, with its blend of luck, excitement, and unpredictability, often brings out memorable and amusing experiences for its participants. While some stories are full of surprises, others highlight the humorous side of playing a game of chance. Here are a few fun anecdotes from players who’ve had unique and amusing Togel […]

7 mins read

Review Episode 5 “Eastwatch” Game of Thrones Season 7 – Thrones ID

Review ini mengandung spoiler Season 7. Bagi yang belum nonton, you have been warned. Kadang-kadang, kita harus menjaga ekspektasi terhadap Game of Thrones. Episode ini tidak se-luar biasa episode sebelumnya. Ada beberapa bolong di sana-sini, tapi tidak bisa juga disebut episode yang jelek. Mari kita review satu per satu. Kehamilan Cersei Jaime diselamatkan oleh Bronn […]

9 mins read

20 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Look Completely Different In Real Life

In a fantasy world, the appearance of characters is rather different to that of the modern, real world. Wigs, prosthetics, coloured contacts and more are used to transform the actors and actresses of HBO’s Game of Thrones into their onscreen counterparts. Here is a list of twenty actors and actresses who look completely different in […]

9 mins read

Pemberontakan Greyjoy (Greyjoy’s Rebellion) – Thrones ID

Iron Islands adalah sebuah kepulauan di sebelah barat Westeros dan ditinggali banyak House besar. Pulau-pulau ini terkenal kaya atas sumber daya lautnya. House Greyjoy adalah pemimpin dari seluruh pulau di Iron Islands. Ironborn adalah sebutan untuk mereka yang lahir di tanah Iron Islands. Mreka terkenal sebagai sosok yang keras dan suram, juga sebagai bajak laut […]

8 mins read

Celebrities As Game Of Thrones Characters [FUNNY]

While the casting for the Game of Thrones show is nothing short of absolute perfection, it’s normal to sometimes wonder what our beloved characters would look and act like if they had been cast with different celebrities and actors. Whether you love these celebrities and or characters or hate them, whether they’re actors or politicians, […]

6 mins read

Review Episode 6 “Beyond the Wall” Game of Thrones Season 7 – Thrones ID

Review ini mengandung spoiler Season 7. Bagi yang belum nonton, you have been warned. Harus diakui episode 6 bukan episode yang sangat berkesan. Tapi, dengan berbagai spoiler dan bocoran menghantui, episode 6 masih tetap manis untuk dinikmati. Dengan sampainya kita di episode 6, kita sudah bisa menebak sedikit arah dari akhir season 7, atau bahkan […]

14 mins read

Why Pragmatic Play Is a Leader in Live Casino Games

Slot Pragmatic Play has established itself as a leader in live casino games due to its cutting-edge technology, premium production quality, and player-centric features. Here’s why it excels in this competitive segment of the iGaming industry: 1. High-Quality Streaming 2. Extensive Live Casino Portfolio 3. Multi-Platform Compatibility 4. Localization and Accessibility 5. Seamless Integration for […]

2 mins read

“Dance of Dragons” Perang Saudara Targaryen & Awal Kepunahan Naga di Westeros. – Thrones ID

Peristiwa “The Dance of the Dragons” atau yang juga dikenal dengan “War of Succesion,” adalah perang saudara pada masa dinasti Targaryen, di mana terjadi saling klaim untuk menguasai Iron Throne oleh Rhaenyra Targaryen dan Aegon II Targaryen pada tahun 129-131 AC. Peristiwa ini menyebabkan terjadinya perpecahan di Seven Kingdoms, para Great Houses dan Minor Houses […]

17 mins read