15 More Satisfying Moments In Game Of Thrones
Make Sure To Also Check Part 1 Called “The 15 Most Satisfying Moments In Game Of Thrones”! Although we have already composed a list of fifteen of the most satisfying moments in Game of Thrones, there are still so many more to talk about. With the passing of seven years, many satisfying moments have happened, […]
Review Episode 7 “The Dragon and The Wolf” Game of Thrones Season 7 – Thrones ID
Review ini mengandung spoiler Season 7. Bagi yang belum nonton, you have been warned. Season 7 berakhir di Agustus lalu. Mengawali penantian panjang kita untuk Season 8 yang mungkin baru tayang ratusan Senin kemudian. Untungnya, beberapa pertanyaan kita tentang misteri di Game of Thrones, termasuk bagaimana kisah ini akan berakhir sudah sedikit terjawab. Review ini […]
36 Ser Jorah “Friendzone” Mormont Memes To Make You LOL
Ser Jorah Mormont got kicked out of Daenerys’ team of advisors, banished from her sight twice, brought Tyrion Lannister to her – who is now her most cherished advisor and Hand of the Queen, and cured himself of Greyscale after she commanded him to, and he is still not lucky in love. Don’t lie, your […]
Tentang Ashara Dayne, Cinta Sejati Ned Stark – Thrones ID
Nama Ashara Dayne mungkin asing bagi penonton Game of Thrones. Karakternya tidak pernah dijelaskan dengan detil, baik di buku apalagi di TV show-nya. Tapi konon, Ashara adalah cinta sejati Lord Eddard Stark / Ned Stark. Ashara bahkan pernah diisukan sebagai ibu Jon Snow. Siapakah Ashara yang diceritakan memiliki karakter fisik rupawan, sehingga mampu membuat Ned […]
15 Things You Didn’t Know About House Targaryen
Dragons, white hair, fire, and blood. If House Targaryen doesn’t come to mind when you read those words, you’re not a true fan of one of the biggest Houses to almost disappear in Westeros.House Targaryen has been diminished to nobody but just Daenerys (and now Jon Snow) and her two dragons at this point of […]
Lysa Arryn, Ibu Gila yang Menyayangi Anaknya – Thrones ID
Di serial TV Game of Thrones, kebanyakan dari kita pasti merasa aneh, bahkan jijik dengan perlakuan Lysa Arryn terhadap anak semata wayangnya, Robin Arryn. Sungguh aneh seorang anak usia 6 tahun masih menyusu langsung ke ibunya. Apalagi, Robin adalah seorang Lord of the Eyrie dan penerus House Arryn sepeninggalan ayahnya, Jon Arryn, yang kala itu […]
What If “Game Of Thrones” Was Cast In The 1970’s
Whatif the greatest Television Series of recent times had been made in the 1970’s? ;new advadsCfpAd( 4795 ); Here are some casting choices. Share away your thoughts and/or improvements? Jack Nicholson – Ramsay Bolton via HBO ;new advadsCfpAd( 4965 ); Steve McQueen – Jaime Lannister via HBO Meryl Streep – Cersei Lannister via HBO Orson […]
Kisah Dua Clegane – Thrones ID
Di Westeros, selalu ada klan lain yang menyatakan dukungan atau kesetiaan untuk mengikuti klan yang lebih besar. Misalnya, House Karstark of Karhold yang menyatakan loyalitas kepada House Stark, sebelum akhirnya berpindah ke House Bolton ketika Red Wedding terjadi. Contoh lain House Tarly of Horn Hill kepada House Tyrell of Highgarden. Kesetiaan ini pernah disinggung Randyll […]
12 Things You Didn’t Know About The Kingsguard
The Kingsguard is a prestigious order that has been on going for hundreds of years. Their service is invaluable and has undeniably changed the course of history in Westeros. Here are fifteen facts about them that you may or may not know, but will certainly enjoy. Who Formed The Kingsguard? via HBO/Westeros The Kingsguard was […]
5 Teori Fans Tentang Varys Yang Belum Pernah Kamu Dengar – Thrones ID
Varys yang dijuluki “The Spider” adalah sosok paling misterius di Game of Thrones. Kisahnya yang selalu ada di bayang-bayang kekuasaan di Westeros, menjadikannya tokoh paling berpengaruh sekaligus paling misterius di buku A Song of Ice and Fire maupun serial TV Game of Thrones. Karena sosok dan sepak terjangnya ini, banyak fans yang menduga-duga sebenarnya apa […]